I have been told stories by my father about the virtues Masons exhibit. I was told about my grandfather, who had friends all over the world. I was told of the brotherhood, of equals leading each other to more moral lives. It wasn’t until my third year in college that I realized Masonry was a path I could pursue. The Patriot Lodge told me of the shared bond of Masons across the world, all working toward improving the virtues and goals they already share. When I got the opportunity to meet the men of the lodge, I found a group of good-willed, welcoming men who were my age, younger and older. Since joining I’ve only grown in my drive to become a better man, and to use the gifts inherent to me to better my community. I’ve grown in patience, both for myself and others. I’ve found an inner drive to learn and to succeed where I was once okay with skating by. I’ve found friends across the state, and overseas as well, and I am excited to meet new guests to The Patriot Lodge, standing where I stood less than two years ago. I strongly encourage anyone who is interested in understanding Freemasonry to come visit. It’s not something I truly understood until I saw it in action. |